A poem dedicated to the stretching, movement and growth in womanhood. Inspired by an essay by M. NourbeSe Philip.

Stretch marks
the moves and expansion.
the call
and reaction.
Steps into new woman- hood
facing challenges I knew I would.
it clasps to hips
and traces the knees
swirls like henna dips
like falling of leaves
the body is the
for experiences we birth
we breathe
and eXXXpand
man takes us by the hand
and blames it on Eve
and how we conceive
so dependent yet invincible
to create life permittable
allow me to belong
stong, strong and strong
soft, soft and soft
wide, wide and wide
breathe in and out
release through the mouth
welcome. new. life.
and respect the wombs that don't
beyond our biology
away from the apple tree
I find mangoes ripening sweet
warming at the soil beneath my feet
hold its yellow leathery skin
let golden juices in
I take up my space
The warmth of my birthplaces' embrace
No matter were I migrate
My womanhood does not
(artwork by @sarashakeel )
Thanks for visiting the Riah Writes creative writing blog. Riah is a creative writing blogger/poetry blogger interested in wellness, society, social justice rights issues and the Arts. Follow the blog and on Instagram to stay updated on new content.